Kirschner Wire Smooth Kirschner Wire Fully Threaded Kirschner Wire - Partial Thread Container for K-Wires Instruments for Rush Nails & K-Wire
Kirschner Wire - Smooth with Trocar Tip Both End Stainless Steel
  • Kirschner Wire – Smooth With Trocar Tip Both End are used in fixation of Bone fractures, for Bone Reconstruction, for Skeletal Traction in the alignment of long bone fractured segments, Temporary fixation, Intramedullary fixation of Ulna & Clavicle.
  • These are also used as Guide pins & Wires for the insertion of implants.
  • A great advantage is the possibility of Percutaneous placement.
Dia. mm 70mm 100mm 125mm 150mm 175mm 200mm 225mm 230mm 250mm 275mm 285mm 300mm 310mm 400mm
0.6 185.204 185.205 185.701 185.206 185.721 185.741 185.207 185.821 185.761 185.781 185.841 185.208 185.801 185.861
0.8 185.101 185.102 185.702 185.103 185.722 185.742 185.104 185.822 185.762 185.782 185.842 185.134 185.802 185.862
0.9 185.108 185.109 185.703 185.110 185.723 185.743 185.111 185.823 185.763 185.783 185.843 185.135 185.803 185.863
1.0 185.114 185.115 185.704 185.116 185.724 185.744 185.117 185.824 185.764 185.784 185.844 185.136 185.804 185.864
1.1 185.120 185.121 185.705 185.122 185.725 185.745 185.123 185.825 185.765 185.785 185.845 185.137 185.805 185.865
1.2 185.125 185.126 185.706 185.127 185.726 185.746 185.128 185.826 185.766 185.786 185.846 185.138 185.806 185.866
1.4 185.130 185.131 185.707 185.132 185.727 185.747 185.133 185.827 185.767 185.787 185.847 185.139 185.807 185.867
1.5 185.129 185.143 185.708 185.140 185.728 185.748 185.141 185.828 185.768 185.788 185.848 185.142 185.808 185.868
1.6 185.144 185.145 185.709 185.146 185.729 185.749 185.147 185.829 185.769 185.789 185.849 185.148 185.809 185.869
1.8 185.153 185.149 185.710 185.150 185.730 185.750 185.151 185.830 185.770 185.790 185.850 185.152 185.810 185.870
2.0 185.154 185.155 185.711 185.156 185.731 185.751 185.157 185.831 185.771 185.791 185.851 185.158 185.811 185.871
2.2 185.164 185.165 185.712 185.166 185.732 185.752 185.167 185.832 185.772 185.792 185.852 185.168 185.812 185.872
2.3 185.174 185.175 185.713 185.176 185.733 185.753 185.177 185.833 185.773 185.793 185.853 185.178 185.813 185.873
2.5 185.184 184.185 185.714 185.186 185.734 185.754 185.187 185.834 185.774 185.794 185.854 185.188 185.814 185.874
3.0 185.194 184.195 185.715 185.196 185.735 185.755 185.197 185.835 185.775 185.795 185.855 185.198 185.815 185.875
3.5 185.214 185.213 185.716 185.216 185.736 185.756 185.217 185.836 185.776 185.796 185.856 185.218 185.816 185.876
2.8 185.234 185.235 185.717 185.236 185.737 185.757 185.237 185.837 185.777 185.797 185.857 185.238 185.817 185.877
3.2 185.244 185.245 185.718 185.246 185.738 185.758 185.247 185.838 185.778 185.798 185.858 185.248 185.818 185.878
3.8 185.254 185.255 185.719 185.256 185.739 185.759 185.257 185.839 185.779 185.799 185.859 185.258 185.819 185.879
4.0 185.264 185.265 185.720 185.266 185.740 185.760 185.267 185.840 185.780 185.800 185.860 185.268 185.820 185.880

Kirschner Wire – Fully Threaded with Trocar Tip Both End Stainless Steel
  • Kirschner Wire – Fully Threaded With Trocar Tip Both End are used in fixation of Bone fractures, Bone Reconstruction, Skeletal Traction, Alignment of long bone fractured segments, Temporary fixation, Intramedullary fixation of Ulna & Clavicle.
  • These are also used as Guide pins & Wires for the insertion of implants.
  • A great advantage is the possibility of Percutaneous placement.
Code No. Dia. mm Lenght mm
185.215 1.5 225
185.220 2.0 225
185.225 2.5 225
185.415 1.5 300
185.420 2.0 300
185.425 2.5 300
185.315 1.5 150
185.320 2.0 150
185.325 2.5 150

Kirschner Wire - Partial Thread (Same Like DHS Wire With Threaded Tip) Stainless Steel
Code No. Dia. mm Length mm
185.510 1.0 300
185.515 1.5 300
185.520 2.0 300
185.525 2.5 300
185.530 3.0 300

Container for K-Wires
Code No. Length mm
Q.400.100 225
Q.400.101 300

Instruments for Rush Nails & K-Wire Container
Instruments for Rush Nails & K-Wire Container
Codes Set Consisting of : Units
385.101 Rush Nail Impactor/Introducer 1
385.120 Rush Nail Extractor 1